Plot in the area located in Altea Hill, Urbanization Urlissa. It consists of a total of 17.995 square metres, of which 7.000 metres are already reparcelled and ready for construction.
Finca 41113 (6995 square meters) consisting of the following plots
1. - area 1358 square metres p-4
2. - area 1600 square metres p-3
3. - area 1619 square metres p-2
4. - area 2420 square metres p-1
These plots are already deeded and segregated for construction,
The rest of the plot is already defined in plots of land.
R43 1239 mts 2
R44 1167 sqm
R45 1182 mts 2
rest 1180 mts2
Remaining parent property 6957 mts2 to be specified (plots P11/P15 and R39 R40 R41 R42).